Baby Reflexology for Parents Course

Baby Reflex techniques are reflexology techniques which have been specially adapted for babies. They are simple, effective, incredibly soothing and babies love them. Reflexology is a safe, natural, non-invasive complementary therapy. As reflexologists we believe that different body parts are mapped out on the hands and the feet, called reflexes. We use specific touch techniques to work these reflexes on the feet, to support babies health and wellbeing in a natural and gentle way.

Reflexology is a touch therapy, and we also know from numerous studies that regular nurturing touch, leads to the release of oxytocin in the body, which reduces stress levels, aids brain development and nourishes the bonding between parent and baby.

During the course (which consists of 3 classes ran over 3 weeks) I teach a full range of techniques that are easy to learn (and remember) and can be used anytime, anywhere. Each week we cover a different topic:

  • Week 1: Sleeping and Comforting (calming techniques to aid sleep and relaxation, which are a great addition to your little ones nap & bedtime routine).
  • Week 2: Feeding and Digesting (including techniques to help relieve colic, constipation, wind & reflux).
  • Week 3: Wellbeing (including techniques to support teething, colds/coughs and ear & eye complaints).

As a qualified clinical reflexologist, I can also teach any additional techniques specific to your babies needs if not covered in core course.

Classes are interactive workshops, with plenty time to practice on 'dolly feet' and your wee one. Groups are kept small, to create a supportive and relaxed environment, allowing you to learn a new skill, bond with your baby and meet other like minded parents.

Course dates

2024 Course dates:

  • Next Course will begin in August 2024
  • Contact me to register your interest.

Classes are suitable from 4 weeks old (up to walking).

Each block runs for 3 consecutive weeks and classes start at 10:30am and last approx. 60-75mins.

Course Fee: £60. This includes all 3 classes, refreshments and supporting handouts to take home to support your learning.

New block starting August 2024 - register your interest.

Once your baby is walking Toddler Reflexology 1:1 teaching sessions are better suited. Book a 1:1 teaching session.


Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about reflexology and how it may benefit you, or if you would like to arrange an appointment. All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

Other forms of contact:

If you would like to sign up to my newsletter to keep up to date with promotions, nuggets of reflexology information and wellbeing tips - please enter you details below:

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